On Wednesday last, the whole people of Bali in eight counties and one city simultaneously choose the governor and deputy governor of the period 2013-2018.
Two candidates fight to gain the sympathy of the community could lead Bali next five years, the couple Anak Agung Ngurah Puspayoga-Dewa Nyoman and Made Mangku Pastika Sukrawan-Ketut Sudikerta.
General Elections Commission (KPU) as the Bali Provincial election organizers have set up 6,371 polling stations. Bali Election Commission has set a final voters list (DPT) are entitled to vote on May 15, 2013 as many as 2,918,824 voters comprising 1,445,195 males and 1,473,629 females.
Based on the DPT, most voters recorded in Buleleng regency with a number of 538 564 people.
Bali Provincial Government also set a May 15, 2013 as a day off for the successful implementation of local elections there. It was to give a chance to the people who have the right to vote for the aspirations.
This will affect the development of tourism in Bali because it will determine the future of the majority of people who depend on this sector. One of the breakthroughs of the previous governor who is now back to being one of the candidates is in the field of transport in Bali by bus Sarbagita functioning in pathways that are prone to road congestion.
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